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Features. Belt type spindle:10,000 RPM. Direct drive spindle:10,000 / 12,000 RPM. Arm type 20 tools ATC. Rapid feedrate:48 M/min. The base structure is reinforced by internal ribbing to ensure high rigidity and stability. The machine processing fast, high precision, three axes rapid feedrate 48 m/min, it is safe time to achieve economic ...
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Milling machine Pedersen VPU-200 - Manual Milling Machines ... Specification. Table size: 1300x305 mm Table travel: X950, Y290, Z450 mm Spindle taper vertical/horizontal: ISO40/ISO50 Spindle speed hor.: 40-3000 rpm (16 pcs) Spindle speed vertical: 45-2240 rpm (12 pcs) Feed rate X/Y: 20-900 mm/min (12 pcs)
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8" H/V Rotary Table with 8" 3 Jaw Chuck. $879.95. Page 228. Save Item. SKU 202-2027. 10" H/V Rotary Table with 10" 3 jaw Front Mounting Self Centering …
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